"The Soul Rhythms"

Our Clients

These are some of the clients that often take our services. Most of them are either Administrated or Mentored by us. Click on each image to know more about them:

Mfana Jones Hlophe
He is a African Jazz and Soul music songwriter, recording and performing artist.
He is also well known for as a legendary international actor.

Luyanda Em

She is a Zulu poet, writing and reciting her own poems. She also does record his work, best described as Musical Poetry.

CB Dlulisa

He is a gospel music recording and performing artist who also writes his own music.

The Composition Band
 This is a youth focused and disabled members favored band. The band has four member, the founder as a pianist, and the three vocalists. It is a mixed music genre band. Its repertoire depends on the look of the event booked for. Apart from cover songs, the band members also write their own music.

Umbuso Wamaciko

The company specialized in organizing Maskandi Traditional Music Festivals.

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